Eva teaches ceramics and sculpture classes from the Pottery Studio at the Slovenian Ethnographic Museum!
For current class schedules see the website (in Slovene): https://www.etno-muzej.si/en/lokacije/loncarski-atelje
check the Facebook group: Igra v glini / Play In Clay
or send an email to playinclay@gmail.com

Sculptress and Ceramic Artist
Eva Peterson Lenassi
Born in 1959 in Koper, Slovenia, Eva completed her studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana in 1983, specializing in Sculpture. Between 1995-1999 she studied Ceramics at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana, USA.
Eva now lives and works in Ljubljana from her studio in the National Ethnographic Museum of Slovenia where she creates and teaches sculpture and ceramics.
She exhibits her artwork in Slovenia and abroad, both in urban spaces and nature, using the environment as the basis for her artistic exploration. Her artwork has won multiple awards, most recently at the 2017 Gyeonggi International Ceramic Biennial in South Korea.
This website showcases a selection of Eva’s artwork throughout her career. Her most recent studio work can be viewed at her studio and her latest self-initiated interventions are posted on Instagram. Welcome!
“Play in Clay (Igra v glini) is the point of my creation in clay. This motto determines the parameters of my operation and all the activities in my studio which is largely used as a classroom. In the process of creating art but also while teaching others I concluded that creation is inextricably linked to play time. CREATIVITY = FREEDOM OF MIND.”
The Pottery Studio at the
Slovenian Ethnographic Museum
Metelkova 2
Ljubljana, Slovenia
lenassieva @ yahoo.com
+386 (0) 40 384 345