21st Century

“The basis for everything that has emerged in the cycle of the 21st Century is a single shoemaker’s form, which is multiplied and transformed in various ways. while exploring the expressive possibilities that the clay offers, at the same time trying to extend the boundaries of the associations raised by this form as an object. The form can be seen on one hand as a mechanical detail from the world of mass production, but if develop a story in the other direction, the form becomes an association to an individual, and a largo number of these forms suggests a group of people or a crowd in various interrelationships in terms of number, layout and other attributes, which form the whole.”

Explore the works within the opus 21st Century:



Individual Works

Flower Garden

Movement and Confrontation

Artist Sketches


The Pottery Studio at the
Slovenian Ethnographic Museum
Metelkova 2
Ljubljana, Slovenia


lenassieva @ yahoo.com
+386 (0) 40 384 345

Follow Eva

and her Pottery Studio